Author Interviews

12 November 2020

My lockdown experience by author Anna Jefferson

For so many of us lockdown meant a juggle of working, home-schooling, and trying to keep our sanity. Novelist Anna Jefferson explains how she found salvation in the chilly welcome ...

12 November 2020

How I spent my lockdown by Sue Moorcroft

My husband’s retirement coincided with lockdown. Instead of being elsewhere every weekday he converted the garage into a workshop and built a shed. With the gym closed it seemed the ...
10 November 2020

Viking women – No shrinking violets by Christina Courtenay

When we think about gender roles in the past, we mostly recall how women had very few rights and were virtually the chattels of their male relatives or spouses. They ...

10 November 2020

Under pressure: Writing during a pandemic by CJ Daugherty

I don’t know about you, but I had big plans for 2020. I was going to write two books, spend a week at a Jamaican holiday resort, lose 10 kilos. ...

10 November 2020

Five common mistakes when blending your family and how to prevent them

I became a stepmum to three children and not having any children of my own, it was a super swift learning curve! Throw in the mix, I trained and qualified ...

9 November 2020

The importance of family carers for those suffering with mental health by Jane Lawrence

Working for many years in mental health services I talked to countless people going through all kinds of devastating experiences. Their lives had been derailed by the more severe and ...
8 November 2020

So what is numerology exactly? by Denise Martinez Rossini

Numerology is said to have been discovered by Pythagoras, the Greek mystic and mathematician, although there are different forms of it dating back to old civilisations such as Babylon and ...
6 November 2020

10 Things I'd like my readers to know about me by Beverley Harvey

I’m a serial house mover. Since I met my partner in 2006, we’ve bought and sold seven properties between us. That’s a lot of stamp duty! We currently live in ...

6 November 2020

Author Agatha Zaza shares how she spent lockdown to celebrate her new book The Pretenders

It seems as if we’ve been in lockdowns of various types for most of the year. As I write this, New Zealand is at alert level one, which means life ...
5 November 2020

Top tips to try basket weaving by Tabara N’Diaye

Tabara N’Diaye is the founder of La Basketry and the author of ‘Baskets’, which has been translated into multiple languages. This year she also launched La Basketry Kits, offering everyone ...

5 November 2020

How I spent my lockdown by author Will Maclean

The best thing that can be said about my lockdown was I did get to spend some time with the people I love. That’s not to say it was easy ...

5 November 2020

10 Things I'd like my readers to know about me by Suzanne Goldring

1 I’m not squeamish. Show me what the cat’s brought in – gutted baby rabbit, shrew or rat – and I’ll deal with it. My husband attributes that to studying ...

4 November 2020

Author Rachel Mann discusses her obsession with possessing rare books

Author Rachel Mann shares an obsession for possessing rare books with the protagonist of her debut novel The Gospel of Eve… If I ever doubted that truth is stranger than ...

4 November 2020

10 Things I'd like my readers to know about my by Miranda Smith

1) My love for scary stories started at a young age. My grandfather used to record classic horror films on VHS for us to watch throughout the year. Later, my ...

3 November 2020

Seven ways to connect with your teenager by Joanna Fortune

1. Adolescence is a time of immense growth and development but not just for the teenager. As parents this is a time when our parenting must also grow and develop ...
3 November 2020

10 Lessons we can learn from dogs by Dr Margit Gabriele Muller

Dogs are often said to be our best friends and trusted companions but what lessons can we learn from them and how do they contribute to our personal improvement and ...

2 November 2020

How I spent my lockdown by Charlotte Browne

As a writer, I’m used to hunkering down for fairly long spells. My main sources of fuel are Spotify, walnuts and, as many writers will attest, espresso. For one deadline ...

2 November 2020

Why the world needs hypothetical dilemmas by Joe Shooman

It is a tragic fact of life that when you get past a certain age, nobody asks you about your favourite dinosaur anymore. Chances are that you’re likely to have ...

2 November 2020

Seven ways angels can help during a pandemic by Calista

You have an angel with you right now. Perhaps, more than one! Assigned guardian angels who forever have your back. These often-unseen allies are reaching out more and more to ...

2 November 2020

Chrsitmas Crackers: Why we all need a quiz this Christmas by John White

We all love an Office Quiz at Christmas time. It is a tradition in many workplaces but why not make this Christmas one whereby we can all test our knowledge ...

2 November 2020

Three star signs least likely to be haunted by ghosts by Nuzo Onoh

Most people believe in ghosts while some people are more prone than others to experiencing these pesky visitors. Aquarians for instance; these airy individuals just seem to magnet ghosts to ...

2 November 2020

Why it's important for children to lose themselves in a book

As a child, do you remember building a fort with pillows, or using blankets to create a den under the kitchen table? Did you play make believe with imaginary tea ...

1 November 2020

Seven diet tips for people living with MS

If you’re living with multiple sclerosis (MS), you may have wondered about eating a healthier diet. There’s so much (often contradictory) information out there, though, it can be confusing to ...

31 October 2020

Five things Little Bones has taught me by N V Peacock

-  1) A worried shared is not always a worry halved In Little Bones, protagonist Cherrie is living a half-life; constantly worried people will discover her serial killer father’s identity. ...