Yin and Yang

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23 April 2007

She Cheated

If you love this woman then maybe you should give her another chance. There is only the two of you who can sit down and talk honestly about the past ...

21 April 2007

He Doesn't Like Kissing

This doesn't necessarily mean either of those things. It could just be that he does not like to show affection in that way, and would perhaps prefer hugging each other ...

21 April 2007

I Love Him - He's With Her

No matter how hard this is for you, don't give in to temptation and rebegin the affair again. You have definately done the right thing in ending things between the ...

17 April 2007

He's My Friend

It's up to you whether you want to risk losing a friendship to tell him that you have feelings for him. You have to consider though, that he may not ...

17 April 2007

Quitting Smoking

Maybe you should think about his reasons for losing his temper and not being able to quit smoking. Not putting the blame on you, but perhaps he is feeling annoyance ...

15 April 2007

I Love My Ex

You need to trust your heart in situations like this. If while with you current boyfriend you are thinking about another man, I don't think it is wise for you ...

15 April 2007

Prostate Cancer

Prehaps you should talk to your husband about how you are feeling, and tell him that although you understand why you are not having sex, and that it is not ...

14 April 2007


Everyone has someone in life who they admire or aspire to be like. For a lot of people, it is celebrities, but it is not unusual for someone to admire ...

14 April 2007

We've Never Talked

Leaving him a comment sounds like a good idea to me. I wouldn't advise confessing everything you have just told me, but perhaps just saying I work in the coffee ...

14 April 2007

Unrequitted Love

This must be so difficult for you. No matter how much you have fallen and care for this man, you have to respect his decisions and wishes on not wanting ...

13 April 2007

Married Man

I think you should leave things be. If the reason he isn't contacting you is because his wife has found out, then continuing to contact him could merely make things ...

11 April 2007

Change of Heart

I don't think that you are ready to be in a sexual relationship as of yet Jess. When you decide to be intimate with someone, you should feel 100% comfortable ...

1 April 2007

Lose Weight

I'm sure that this isn't what you want to here, but losing weight quickly is not the answer. The only way to keep the weight off that you lose is ...

26 March 2007

Chat Rooms

Kaye you need to talk to him and tell him how much you love him. Let him know that you do not feel comfortable with him talking to other girls ...

25 March 2007

Attacted to Younger Women

You need to think about what it is that you want in life. If you're not happy with your wife at the moment, then don't just up and leave, but ...

25 March 2007

Sex Toys

There is nothing wrong with trying to spice up your sex life. Many people go through this, and especially same sex partners, as you can't enjoy full vaginal penetration. Why ...

22 March 2007

Attracted To Women

Why don't you try spicing your sex life up. Many married couples reach this time in their lives, where sex become the routine missionary position, and there is nothing spontaneous ...

19 March 2007

He's Married

We cannot help who we are attracted to, is my first point to make. Secondly though, it is, as you have said, wrong to have an affair with someone who ...

19 March 2007

We See Other People

You have every right to know if he is engaging in sexual activity with other people. Whether you are in a relationship where you see other people or not, you ...

18 March 2007

His Ex is Pregnant

I would definately advise your partner not to go back to his pregnant girlfriend, just for the sake of the baby. This is a recipe for disaster, and despite it ...

17 March 2007

Does He Like Me?

I think that this guy could have been asking you all of these questions because he wants to know if he has what you are looking for in a lad! ...

15 March 2007


Jess, to be honest with you, I don't think that this is one that you can deal with on your own. You need to tell your parents, or a teacher ...

14 March 2007

I Like My Ex

Anna, may I just say that if you feel old enough to be in a relationship, then your actions need to be more mature. Getting your friends to get information ...

13 March 2007

He Cheats On Me

This is awful, you can't stay in a relationship where one person is being unfaithful. I can only imagine the pain that it must be causing you, but despite how ...