Recipe courtesy of

Vegan Spaghetti Nut Balls

Vegan Spaghetti Nut Balls

50 g passata

20 g tomato paste

40 g white onion

100 g cherry tomatoes

2 g basil

2 g marigold bouillon

2.5 ml olive oil 0.5 clove garlic

100 g spinach

50 g courgette

50g aubergine

50g red peppers

67 g spelt spaghetti (dry weight)

Capers to taste

Nut Balls

15 g ground almonds

20 g ground hazelnuts

15 g rye breadcrumbs

10 g onion

5 g vecon

3 g parsley


• To make nut balls chop onion finely and mix with ground nuts, breadcrumbs, vecon and chopped parsley

• Form into balls and bake in oven

• Roast courgette, aubergines & peppers in a little olive oil

• Slice onion and fry in olive oil with garlic

• Add passata, tomato paste, marigold bouillon and cherry tomatoes

• Simmer until cherry tomatoes are soft

• Add fresh basil

• Serve with cooked pasta, nut balls, spinach & roasted vegetables & top with a few capers

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