These easy-to-bake zesty orange and ginger cupcakes are a tasty snack or dessert with a surprisinglyfiery twist that you can mix together in no time. Prefer a chocolatey treat? Satisfy your cravings byswapping 25g of flour for cocoa powder in the cupcake mix and decorate with chocolate flakes,mmm.

Vegan Orange and Ginger Cupcakes

Vegan Orange and Ginger Cupcakes

Recipe serves: 12

Prep Time 15 min

Cook Time 15 min


50 ml soya milk

zest and juice of 1 orange

75 g Flora Freedom

125 g golden caster sugar

125 g self-raising flour

1/2 level teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

2 pieces stem ginger in syrup, drained and finely chopped

75 g Flora Freedom

225 g icing sugar

sliced stem ginger in syrup, optional, to decorate


1. Preheat oven to 180° C, 160° C fan, Gas mark 4.

2. Place soya milk and 1 tablespoon of the orange juice in a mixing bowl and set aside for 5minutes.

3. Sieve the flour, add the orange zest with the other cake ingredients and mix until wellblended, light and fluffy, adding 1 tablespoon of the orange juice if needed.

4. Divide the mixture between a cupcake tray lined with 12 paper cases and bake in preheatedoven for 15-20 minutes until well risen and golden.

5. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

6. Meanwhile to make the icing, beat together the Flora Freedom, icing sugar and 1-2tablespoons of orange juice until well mixed.

7. Spoon into a piping bag with a large star nozzle and when the cakes have completely cooled,decorate with swirls of orange icing and slices of ginger.

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