
For 4 large bowls

Miso Soba Noodles Soup

Miso Soba Noodles Soup

250g Yutaka Soba Noodles

2 tbsp rice bran oil

3 garlic clove, minced

4 stems of spring onions, sliced

120g shiitake

1200ml dashi (Japanese instant stock soup)

6 tbsp (84g) Yutaka Organic Miso Paste

For Toppings:

200g teriyaki tofu (see the recipe below)

1 stem of spring onion, sliced

2g wakame (Soak the wakame in water for 10 minutes to reconstitute, drain well. It becomes 20 times bigger in quantity after reconstituted)

1 tbsp Yutaka Roasted Black & White Sesame Seeds

- This is for an extra cooking but we could say just fried or fresh tofu on the recipe if it suits though here is how to make the fried tofu teriyaki.

For Tofu Teriyaki:

200g Yutaka Tofu

1/2 tsp minced ginger

1 tbsp rice bran oil or vegetable oil

11/2 tbsp Yutaka Tamari Soy Sauce

11/2 tbsp Yutaka Mirin

Dice the tofu into cubes then fry in the oil to brown the surface, Add ginger, mirin and tamari soy sauce then fry until caramelise.


1. Bring water to the boil in a large saucepan, cook the soba noodles following the instruction on pack.

2. In the meantime, heat the oil in a medium saucepan, fry the garlic and spring onions to infuse the flavour to the oil then add shiitake mushrooms. Fry for a couple of minutes.

3. Add the dashi and bring to boil again then turn down the heat to simmer for a few more minutes.

4. Dissolve the miso in the dashi (take a half cup of dashi in a jug to dissolve miso then pour back into the rest of the dashi if it easier).

5. When the soba noodles are cooked, drain then serve into individual bowls. Set a side.

6. Pour the miso soup on the soba noodles then top with vegetables, wakame, tofu. Sprinkle on the spring onions and toasted sesame seeds. Serve hot.

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