Recipe courtesy of Trybe.

Vegan Chocolate Rice Crispies

Vegan Chocolate Rice Crispies

These rice crispies are a heavenly mix of fragrant coconut oil and rich chocolate. Finished with almond butter caramel, they will surely go down a treat with anyone who has a sweet tooth


1/3 cup (40g) cocoa

1/3 cup (55g) raw coconut oil

3 tbsp maple syrup

1 cup + 1/3 cup (40g) puffed brown rice

pinch salt, to taste


1. Firstly, place your oil into a pan on a low-medium heat to melt. Once the oil has melted, remove from the heat and stir in the cocoa powder and a pinch of salt until smooth. Then, stir in the maple syrup and puffed rice.

2. When all of the ingredients are well mixed, take a spoonful and scoop into individual muffin or cupcake cases, inside of a baking tray. I used large muffin cases, which made 5, but if you use cupcake cases you will be able to make more! Alternatively, you could try pressing the whole mixture into a small cake tin, pressing it down in the middle, and up around the edges to make a nest (perfect for easter).

3. When this is done, move the treats into the fridge to set for around 2-3 hours, then serve.



1/4 cup (60ml) maple syrup

1 tsp raw virgin coconut oil - I used coconut merchant's

2 tbsp crunchy almond butter

generous pinch salt


1. Firstly, add the maple syrup, coconut oil, almond butter and salt into a pan. Then, place the pan onto a high heat, and begin to stir the ingredients together as the mixture heats up and bubbles. Stir the mixture together for about 1.5 minutes, until the mixture has combined but is still quite runny.

2. Then, remove the caramel from the heat, and continue to slowly stir it together for about 1 more minute until it has thickened. Then, simply drizzle it onto what you like to serve!

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