200g Trex

Celebration Cupcakes
225g Golden caster sugar
Egg replacer (equivalent of 3 large eggs)
2 tsp Vanilla extract
2 tbsp Dairy free Milk
225g Self-raising flour
Pinch salt
200g Vegan Butter, at room temperature
350g Icing sugar
100g Low fat soft vegan cheese
Pink and yellow food colouring
Edible glitter and decorations
Step 1: Position an oven shelf in the centre of the oven. Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan oven 160°C/Gas Mark 4. Place 12 paper cup cake cases into a cup cake tin.
Step 2: In a large mixing bowl, beat together the Trex and sugar until light and fluffy, using a wooden spoon or a hand-held electric mixer. Gradually beat in the egg replacer. Stir in the vanilla extract and dairy free milk.
Step 3: Sift the flour and salt into the mixing bowl and fold in gently using a large metal spoon. Share the mixture between the paper cases. Bake for 20-22 minutes, until risen and golden. Cool in the tin for a few minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
Step 4 : For the icing, beat the butter and icing sugar together until smooth and creamy. Beat in the low fat vegan soft cheese. Split the topping into 2 batches, mixing 2-3 drops of food colouring into each batch. Pipe or spread on top the cakes, then finish off with edible glitter and decorations.