You begin to notice ALL animals- Not just the ones you call your pets but you might pay more attention to the birds that come into your garden, the ducks at your local park and even the cows or sheep that you pass in a field on your way to work. You feel a sense of happiness when you see them roaming free in in the outdoors- as it should be.

Vegan on Female First
You feel lighter- Even if you weren't aware that eating animals weighed heavy on you before; you feel lighter for not eating them. You are doing your bit to not contribute to violence against animals and it's a huge weight off your mind. Something you can only truly appreciate once you cleanse your body animal products.
You carry snacks- You quickly learn that vegan snacks might not always be around so you carry lots of edibles in your bag for if you get peckish.
You start by eating vegan convenience foods- You pick things you would normally eat that are already made up for you- vegan sausages, pies, pastries and burgers and make the transition slowly so it doesn't feel like such a huge shift in one go.
You start to cook for yourself- Although convenience foods are great for the interim, you quickly learn that it's better to do it yourself and you start to branch out and cook things you never thought you would- pea and mint risotto- piece of cake! Chickpea curry- easy!
You watch every documentary you can get your hands on- Cowspiracy, Blackfish, Food Matters, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, Earthlings- if you're having a day when you're tempted by a piece of chocolate with cow's milk in it- they quickly remind you why you're doing this.
You read around the topic- Online, in magazines and books- anything remotely vegan sparks your interest as you gather up your bank of knowledge for when people challenge your lifestyle- and just for your own education.
You check labels- Supermarket shopping takes up much more time than it used to because you have to check EVERYTHING that doesn't reside in the fresh fruit and veg aisle. You have perfected the art of making lists beforehand and looking online at ingredients to cut back on the time you spend going up and downs the aisles.
Check menus before eating out- To make sure there is something you can have or something you can tweak to suit your dietary needs. If there's nothing you can give your friends/ family/ a partner a heads up and ask to eat somewhere else.
You get excited when something you didn't know was vegan is- The joy you get when you learn that Oreos are safe, you can eat as many Bassets Pear Drops as you like and you can have Ritz crackers with your vegan cheese doesn't quite compare to any other feeling.
You lose weight- It may only be a little or it may be a lot but something gives when you start to eat more veggies and less dairy and meat. Your calorie intake is not what it used to be so you find that your pants are a little looser.
When someone buys you something vegan- You feel all warm and fuzzy inside when the people in your life finally understand and are helping you to embrace a life sans animal prodcuts.
Tagged in fruit Vegan vegetables