Recipe courtesy of Clearspring

Sea Veg and Tofu Salad

Sea Veg and Tofu Salad

This delicious Japanese salad makes a nice change to the usual lettuce salad and the dressing is something special!

Serves 4 - Ready in 10 minutes


  • 1 pack of Clearspring Ambient Tofu
  • ½ pack of CS Sea Vegetable Salad


  • 1 tbsp of CS toasted sesame oil
  • 2 tbsp of CS Mikawa Mirin
  • 2 tbsp of CSBrown Rice Vinegar
  • 2 tbsp of CS Shoya Soya Sauce


  • Soak the Sea vegetable salad in water for 10 minutes
  • Slice the tofu into small cubes. Mix the seasoning in a small bowl
  • Drain the sea vegetables and mix with tofu and the dressing

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