I asked some people what their thoughts and questions were when I said the word 'vegan' to them. This is what they came up with and I have answered them as best I can.

Vegan on Female First

Vegan on Female First

'Vegans are dedicated'- I agree with this- being vegan takes commitment, effort and time- more so at first while you're getting to grips with the new lifestyle. Many vegans are doing this for a purpose, whatever that purpose might be- for the animals, for the environment or for health- most vegans come to it with a good reason for making the shift. There are lots of temptations and an element of perseverance when people don't understand and try to sway you.

'Vegans are brave'- It is courageous to be different to everyone else and there is bravery in facing where your food has come from by watching the documented footage and reading related books. There is bravery is standing up for what you believe in before people who don't share the same values as you do, so again I think this is a fair statement. With that said- lots of non-vegans are brave for many different reasons. 

'How do they cope with such bland meals?'- Vegan food has the potential to be bland just as non-vegan foods do- the secret is learning along the way to work with ingredients to make your meals more exciting by seeking recipes online and in books.

'All I keep thinking when someone says they're vegan is-how long will they last?'- It's true- for some- veganism will be a passing phase and some vegans do have moments where they eat animal products by accident or on purpose. The important thing to remember is they are human to and 'veganism' is not synonymous with 'perfection'. If someone decides to go back to eating meat- that is their choice.

'Are they just jumping on the bandwagon?' Veganism is hugely popular right now and many celebrities are vegan so it's a hot topic. Some may do it for these reasons but again it would be unfair to tie everyone with the same brush. Not all vegans omit animal products because it is the flavour of the month or simply to copy celebrities who are making this choice. Most vegans do it for themselves, for the animals or to reduce their carbon footprint.

'Do all vegans campaign, protest and hug trees?'- No. Vegans may have an appreciation for their natural surroundings but this doesn't mean that they hug trees. Not all vegans get involved in protests or campaigns either. Some prefer to keep themselves to themselves and others try to have an influence on a smaller scale, by cooking vegan meals for their family and friends posting educational videos on their Facebook page instead.

'Are vegans awkward when eating out?'- Not necessarily but it's possible. Remember that you can be a meat eater and be awkward too- it all depends on the person. All it means is they'll probably ask questions of the staff as to what they can and can't have, or ask to eat in a specific place so they can be catered for.

'Will the restaurant have something they can eat?'- Usually restaurants can accommodate as long as you communicate with the staff upon ordering. If not there is the option to have a few sides instead. The best way to be sure is to call up beforehand or look at their online menu.

'Are vegans constantly hungry?'- Vegans who eat their recommended daily amount, probably won't be hungry, but as with meat eaters, there are some vegans who will be hungry if they haven't eaten enough- yes.

'Where do vegans get their nutrients?'- There are plenty of plant-based foods that can supply protein, calcium, iron and all the other essentials for the day- it just requires a bit more planning. The only thing vegans can't get from plant food is vitamin B12 so they have to supplement this as a minimum.

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