We all know that carrots are good for us with their masses of beta-carotene helping to reduce our risks of cancer, but I bet what we don't know is that black cardamom is coined the "queen of spices" and goes a long way to helping our little tickers keep an even rhythm. Black cardamom are cardamom pods that have been smoked over open flames, giving them a beautiful and pungent aroma. This wonder spice helps to maintain a steady cardiac rhythm, and controls our blood pressure by reducing the likelihood of blood clots forming in the body.

Vegan Smokey Black Cardamom Pickled Carrots

Vegan Smokey Black Cardamom Pickled Carrots

-500g washed & peeled carrots, roughly cubed

-300g distilled malt pickling vinegar

-50g caster sugar

-50g water

-6 black cardamom pods

-2tsp coriander seeds

-Sea salt

Place the carrots in a plastic bowl and toss with enough sea salt to lightly cover all the cubes. Leave for at least 1 hour.

In the meantime place all the other ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Immediately remove from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature.

Once cool, drain off the excess liquid that has accumulated in the bottom of the carrot bowl. Place the carrots in a sterilized Kilner jar and cover with the room-temperature vinegar solution. Seal, and leave for 48 hours before serving.

Recipe courtesy of Sarson's vinegar and Iain Pennington

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