Makes 50

Mini vegetable kebabs
Ready in 20 mins
25 Haywards Sweet & Mild Silverskin Pickled Onions, halved, reserving 3 tbsp of the vinegar
3 tbsp olive oil
Zest of 1 orange
1 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon
1 cucumber, cut into chunks
50 cherry tomatoes, halved
50 black olives
50 small skewers or cocktail sticks
Sea salt and black pepper
In a small bowl, mix together the reserved vinegar, oil, orange zest and tarragon with a fork and season with salt and pepper.
With all the ingredients out in bowls in front of you, place an onion half, cucumber chunk, a tomato half, onion half, black olive and another tomato half on a skewer or cocktail stick. Repeat with the remaining skewers or cocktail sticks and place on a serving tray or plates.
Drizzle with the tarragon dressing and serve immediately or chill until needed.