Courtesy of Mira Manek

There are so many things you can do with hummus

There are so many things you can do with hummus

Hummus is the ultimate dip, the easiest thing to whip up and serve, and you know it'll get eaten. But how do you almost instantly transform a pot of hummus into something a little more gourmet, with a hint of exotic spice? How do you take this standard staple to a picnic and surprise your friends and family with incredible flavours. Just stirring in roasted cumin seeds, popped mustard seeds or lightly fried green chillies can entirely alter the taste, bring it to life with kick and warmth. So here's a few options:

400-600g pot of hummus, divided into 4 small bowls

¼ teaspoon rapeseed or other oil

½ teaspoon cumin seeds

Heat the oil in a small pan over a low heat, add the cumin seeds, wait for around 30 seconds until they become a darker shade of brown and then stir them into the hummus. You can also roast dry cumin seeds without oil and add those in, crushing a few for extra flavour.

Green chillies

½ teaspoon rapeseed or other oil

½ green chilli, finely chopped

Heat the oil in a small pan over a low heat, add the chopped chillies, let them cook on low heat for just less than a minute and stir into your pot of hummus.

Mustard seeds

¼ teaspoon rapeseed or other oil

½ teaspoon mustard seeds

Heat the oil in a small pan over a low heat, add the mustard seeds, wait until they start popping, then stir into the hummus.

Garlic & Sesame seeds

¼ teaspoon rapeseed or other oil

1 small garlic clove, finely chopped

2 teaspoons sesame seeds

Heat the oil in a small pan over a low heat, add the chopped garlic, let it cook for around 30 seconds until golden brown, then add the sesame seeds and let them cook until lightly toasted, then stir into the hummus. You can also add the sesame seeds in any of the above options, or alone without the garlic.

Additional garnishings

Sprinkle with paprika, smoked paprika or red chilli powder.

You can also sprinkle some coriander leaves and cracked black pepper.

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