Packed with vitamin C boosting blackberries, protein packed almonds and chickpeas and calcium rich feta, this is a super salad perfect to a sunny afternoon.

Griddled courgette and blackberry salad
Serves 4
Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 6-9 minutes
500g/1lb 2oz or 2 courgettes, thinly and diagonally sliced
2 tbsp virgin olive oil
400g/14oz can chickpeas in water, drained
180g pack lentil sprout mix (buy alongside the bags of salad in the supermarket)
150g/5oz blackberries, halved or use half blackberries and half blueberries
40g/11/2oz unblanched almonds, roughly chopped
2 tbsp sunflower or pumpkin seeds
15g/1/2oz fresh mint, finely chopped
25g/1oz flat leafed parsley, very roughly chopped
2 tbsp virgin olive oil
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp smoked sweet (mild) paprika
1 tsp light muscovado sugar
½ tsp Dijon mustard
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 Brush the courgette slices on one side with the oil then cook in batches in a preheated ridged frying pan or large flat based frying pan for 2-3 minutes until just tender and beginning to brown. Lift out of the pan, add to a large bowl and leave to cool.
2 Add the chickpeas, sprouted lentils, blackberries, almonds and seeds to the courgettes. Crumble over the feta and sprinkle with the herbs.
3 Add all the dressing ingredients to a jam jar, screw on the lid and shake until well mixed. Pour over the salad and gently toss together. Spoon into individual plastic boxes, or waxed cardboard boxes, press or clip on the lids and add to your work bag or chill in the fridge overnight then add to your work bag next morning.
Cook's tip
Roughly chop the parsley so it becomes a main ingredient rather than just a vibrant garnish. Well known in traditional medicine for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it also works as a natural diuretic and is thought to help with indigestion, constipation and intestional gas, plus it is rich in vitamin C to boost immunity and vitamin K to help with bone strength.