
300ml Tomato Juice

Gluten-Free Bloody Mary Recipe

Gluten-Free Bloody Mary Recipe

35ml Potato Based Vodka (Optional - only for a Bloody Mary!) 3 dashes Tabasco 6 dashes Chippa Worcester Sauce Squeeze of fresh Lemon Ice Celery Stalk (for garnish!)


1) Get your glass ready with some ice cubes. 2) If you are making a Bloody Mary it's time to add your vodka! 3) Next add your lemon juice, worcester sauce, tobasco & tomato juice. 4) Stir really well, & optionally you can season with salt and pepper to taste. 5) Garnish with Celery Stalk 6) Enjoy!

Chippa Worcester Sauce costs £1.50 from Morrisons.

Credit: and Becky Excell