Faya Nilsson- fitness blogger for Fitness on Toast- is a huge advocate of almond milk- so we talked to her about the benefits of plant based milks over dairy based ones and what her advice is for lazy vegans!

Faya Nilsson

Faya Nilsson

Why are milk substitutes better for us than cow's milk?

What I love about almond milk is that I can access the taste and temperature profile of traditional milk, with a low fat and sugar content, and still get the vitamins & minerals required from it.

Why are almonds such a vital part of a plant based diet?

Almond milk is a great dairy alternative if you're lactose sensitive or intolerant. Whilst I'm a pescatarian, I'll often have 'full veggie' days. There are plenty of sources of plant-based protein, but none so delicious as nuts, and none so eminently snackable as almonds. Perfect by themselves, there's a uniquely light and pleasant flavour that goes perfectly with the texture. But also, they're a fabulous source of monounsaturated fats which have been associated with lower risk of heart disease, plus are high in protein and fibre, whilst being low in cholesterol and sodium.

You are involved in the '30 Ways to Goodness' campaign so can 30 changes combined create new sustainable habits?

The campaign is very much about staying active throughout the day. Incorporating movement as often as possible whether that's getting up from your desk every hour to move around for 5minutes or taking the stairs instead of the lift. Sitting down for hours on end is proven detrimental for our health so little and often makes a huge difference to our overall health. For some people, it might just be one single change that makes the difference, and which provides the trigger that spurs them on to a new and healthier life. But for many, it's been shown that you have to invest an average of 21 days into doing something for it to become part of your routine. To my mind, embracing 30 different ways to goodness can only help improve your chances of achieving sustainable healthy change.

What do you do/eat every day that you believe is essential to keeping healthy?

Everyone is different but there are a few things that I believe can help everyone. The first is always to have breakfast - it's the first meal of the day and if you get it right, it underpins the rest of your day, making you more inclined to eat healthy and stay on track. Also, don't skip either lunch and/or dinner, as well as having small snacks throughout the day. Eating little and often keeps your blood sugar levels stable, leading to fewer hyper spikes and tiring troughs. Drinking plenty of water matters, as often, we'll mistake thirst for hunger; the recommended amount is around 200-250ml per hour.

Also, I think a balanced approach to food is helpful; I try to include a source of protein with a good source of complex carbohydrates (the likes of quinoa, sweet potato) and finally a source of good healthy fats (such as avocado or olive oil).

What are the best foods for vegans to eat who are in training?

I think the same principals apply for vegans, with the only difference being the search for plant-based proteins such as pulses and beans. Quinoa for example contains all the essential amino acids forming a full protein chain. In other instances, it's a case of combining certain foods.

For those vegans who are a little lazy, what's the best way to get started in supporting a good diet with fitness?

If you're feeling a bit lazy and don't want to make things from scratch every time, I would suggest either investing some time at the start of the week making foods in bulk and popping them in the fridge, for example a big batch of quinoa/brown rice etc., and then making the side fresh - serve with leafy greens, grilled vegetables etc. Alternatively find a nearby whole, organic natural store where you can buy fresh salads with tofu etc. - that way, you've made peace with outsourcing the 'effort' at the start, and can just focus on sticking to your plan.

You are well travelled so what is your favourite plant based dish from a place you've visited?

I love discovering new foods so that's a really tough question. I must say I discovered so many exciting flavours and ingredients whilst I was travelling around India; the herbs and spices are so exotic, so I'd have to say a vegetable curry!

What is next for you?

I'm thrilled to say I'm releasing a book in December. I'm working super hard on that at the moment! Aside from that, I've been working on all sorts of exciting projects which I can't talk about yet, but they'll be launching soon!

Blue Diamond Growers have launched their brand new campaign "30 Ways to Goodness" with ambassador Faya Nilsson, fitness blogger for Fitness on Toast.

The campaign revolves around 15 films that feature a variety of recipes and exercises that consumers can do at home. These films are now available to view on the Blue Diamond website.

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