Today is National Eat Your Vegetables Day and who better to talk about how to make time to cook and chop vegetables than the Joyful Vegan- Colleen Patrick-Goudreau?

Vegan on Female First
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, "Eating more fruits and vegetables adds nutrients to diets, reduces the risk for heart disease, stroke, and some cancers, and helps manage body weight when consumed in place of more energy-dense foods."
I'm writing this again because it's important- vegetables are life-saving and disease preventing- but so many people don't meet the minimal daily recommendations. Why could this be?
TIME. People say they don't have the time- but Colleen argues that we do if we want to live healthier more compassionate lives. We just need to spend our time more wisely.
Tagged in Vegan Colleen Patrick-Goudreau