I have been a vegan for almost 30 years now. I take B12 supplements from time to time, and I make sure I get plenty of sun or skyshine all year. Apart from that I get all the nourishment and protection I need from my plant-based diet.
I still remember the first thing that happened when I started: I was studying herbal medicine and had just learnt that the best thing to do for allergy is to stop eating dairy. So I did that, and my hayfever disappeared. I was impressed!
I was still eating meat but after visiting the Living Without Cruelty exhibition in London I thought I couldn't continue to be part of that problem and I decided to become part of the solution by going vegan.
Far from feeling deprived or undernourished, I started to feel lighter and to have more energy, and although I am no longer as light as I was then, my energy levels are still high.
I love plants and plant foods. In my view berries are the best food there is and I eat them every day.
Tomatoes are powerful antioxidants and they help protect me from the sun's UV rays. Chewing cranberries keep my teeth clean and my gums healthy. All winter I eat kiwis, and with their high vitamin C content they keep my immunity up. And now the strawberry season is beginning, I'll eat a small portion of them every day to keep my skin and my digestive system healthy. Later in the year I pick elderberries and freeze them. They contain potent antiviral phytochemicals and help protect me against colds and flu and immune deficiency disorders.
I also eat spices every day. Mostly for their fabulous taste, and also for their huge health promoting qualities. My current favourite is star anise. It is an excellent natural antibiotic and it also helps digestion. When I make tomato sauce, or cook anything with tomatoes, I add a star anise instead of sugar to reduce their acidity. I also add one or two to my herb tea.
After meals I chew a whole cardamom. It is an excellent remedy for digestive and respiratory problems, and to keep my gums fresh. At this time of year, where the hayfever season looms, I keep my sinuses clear by eating a spoonful of grated horseradish added to a little honey.
Fresh or dried turmeric is also part of my daily diet. In soups and stews, in tea, on salads or in soya yogurt. It keeps body cells healthy and helps destroy the unhealthy ones.
Eating a clove of garlic each day also helps to keep my blood flowing, as well as being an excellent general immune booster, so I do that most days too.
The berries and spices act as my natural supplements to help me absorb and digest all the nourishment, vitamins and minerals I get from my diet, thus avoiding the need for adding artificial supplements.
Tagged in Vegan