Reliving my childhood on Saturday night, I couldn't have been more excited to get my seats and get settled for a night of WWE Live action, and though there was no signs of the wrestling greats I grew up admiring (Triple H hardly wrestles anymore, Trish Stratus and Lita have retired), the athletes that did put on a display were for the most part extremely impressive.

WWE Live in Manchester

WWE Live in Manchester

There was one superstar who came out that stood above the rest for me personally - literally as well as figuratively - and that was Paul Wight, better known as Big Show. He gained some of the biggest cheers of the night and though he didn't manage to take home the United States championship in his match against the unbeaten Rusev (who got himself disqualified), when he pushed back an attack from Mark Henry the crowd couldn't have been happier.

Rusev got disqualified against Big Show
Rusev got disqualified against Big Show

Mizdow remained a hilarious addition to Team Miz, and though the main man himself remains a great heel, his stunt man may find he's more cut out for a face role. Sheamus beat Miz with a Brogue Kick, reaping a huge response before a Vince McMahon WWE Network UK apology video was met with boos.

Xavier Woods lost out in a match with a very grumpy Mark Henry, who gave the man the chance to leave the ring before taking a beating. Refusing to do so, he was quickly squashed and indeed, as Henry promised, carried out of the arena.

Mark Henry's offer was refused
Mark Henry's offer was refused

Los Matadores and El Torito went up against Heath Slater, Titus O'Neil and Hornswoggle in a fan-voted match - wrestle or dance. The results came back in favour of wrestling, but this wasn't a competition that many seemed interested in, with chants of 'we want wrestling' even ringing clear at times when they attempted to put on a show.

Coming home to the UK, Paige of course received big cheers and was teamed up with Nikki Bella for a tag team match against her sister Brie and AJ Lee. Speaking to the crowd, Nikki remained a fantastic heel, forcing her sister-turned-personal assistant to instead be her manager, turning things into a two-on-one handicap match. AJ got the victory however when Paige backstabbed Nikki, refusing to allow her to tag her in when she wouldn't tag in the homecoming Queen herself earlier on.

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Another woman who was fantastic is Rusev's manager Lana, perfect in her hatred of any other country than 'Mother Russia', and laughing that if this 'stupid country had a title, we would have that one as well'.

The audience turned on Damien Sandow when he was put in a one-on-one match against Jack 'We The People' Swagger, and Zeb Colter spoke of how he'd love to live in the United Kingdom if he wasn't a fully-fledged American.

Kofi Kingston and Big E were outstanding in the ring in the best tag team match of the night against Luke Harper and Erick Rowan, not only putting on a display that showed they were incredible sportsmen, but fun with it and able to sell moves to the audience with sheer impact.

The main event came from Mr Money in the Bank Seth Rollins and fan favourite John Cena in a Manchester Street Fight. Though there did seem to be a point where a table leg unexpectedly broke, the two battled through it like professionals, propping it up in a corner for Rollins to be sent through a little later on. It did hinder a quarter of the audience's view for this short time however, which was slightly irritating. Giving a great performance, Rollins was the more impressive of the two but of course the win was given to good guy Cena, who took it home after an Attitude Adjustment was delivered through a second table.

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A great night which was scheduled extremely well and went through from beginning to end with only a couple of speed bumps meant that it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. What Cena said after his match would certainly go down a treat - WrestleMania needs to make it to the UK. Make it happen, WWE.

WWE Live returns to the UK as part of a European tour next April, with tickets going on sale at the end of this month.

John Cena won the Manchester Street Fight
John Cena won the Manchester Street Fight

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