Returning WAGS Miami cast members Ashley Nicole Roberts, Claudia Sampedro, Hencha Voigt, Darnell Nicole, Metisha Scahefer and Astrid Bavaresco will be joined by newcomers Kayla Cox and Faven Liuget in the show’s forthcoming second season, with fun, frolicking, heat and drama promising to make this one of the most exciting reality series of the year. Check out a preview ahead of the season 2 premiere below:

Though there are always fun times to be had in Miami, the sneak peek proves that there’s always going to be a little bit of chaos amongst the peace, as the ladies live the VIP lifestyle whilst facing off against one another, taking part in major showdowns and enjoying steamy make out sessions.

With Ashley planning her wedding to Philip Wheeler, she must find a way to get on with her future mother-in-law if she’s to play happy families. Meanwhile, Darnell’s still trying to work out how to live life as a single woman; something she says is making her “miserable”.

Astrid and Hencha continue to feud with one another, and when it reaches boiling point there’s a messy confrontation at a dinner table, with this argument just for starters.

With more women than ever before and a willingness to make an impact by all of those involved, WAGS Miami season 2 will undoubtedly provide some classic reality TV moments.

Season 2 of WAGS Miami premieres September 7 at 9pm on E!, and is available now on hayu, reality on demand.

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