With just a few hours to go until the unlucky victim on the receiving end of Negan's barbed wire baseball bat Lucille is revealed on The Walking Dead, we've decided to take a quick look at everything all fans should know before watching the first new episode of season 7…

Credit: AMC
The premiere episode title
It's already been revealed that the first episode of The Walking Dead season 7 will be called 'The Day Will Come When You Won't Be', with a synopsis also released. Though it doesn't reveal much, it does re-clarify what's to come in the next 24 hours: "Last season ended with Rick and our group kneeling helplessly before Negan and his group. What Negan does will haunt those who survive forever."
The episode and its title also serve as an Easter Egg for fans who have been paying special attention since the show's very early days. In an episode back in The Walking Dead's first season, Dr. Edwin Jenner warned Rick about becoming a survivor of the zombie apocalypse. Though he wanted nothing to do with it himself, he did allow Rick and his family to live, which Rick thanked him for. His response? "The day will come when you won't be [thankful]".
Whose head could be bashed in by Negan?
There's a lengthy list of potential victims that could have been on the receiving end of Lucille back at the end of season 6. In no particular order, they are: Rick, Carl, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, Abraham, Aaron, Michonne, Sasha, Eugene and Rosita. However, a sneak-peak revealed that Rick isn't going to be (immediately) hurt by Negan, with a clip showing Rick promising that he would kill Negan at some point in the future for what he had done to his friends.
A 'spoiler' question and answer was released earlier this week which may have also given the game away, with fan-site The Spoiling Dead posting the Q&A to their Facebook page, but we're not going to say whose name or names were revealed as the victims on that post. We wouldn't want to give the game away completely if the spoilers do turn out to be true!
Two people we know will be safe for now however are Morgan and Carol - they look to be headed elsewhere…
What about future episodes?
Well, the episode titles for episodes 2 and 3 of season 7 have been revealed, with episode two called 'The Well' and episode 3 called 'The Cell'.
'The Well' has a synopsis which reads: "For a number of familiar faces, a new, well-established community seems too good to be true."
Meanwhile, 'The Cell's synopsis reads: "A new group of survivors seem to have it all in their impressive community; however, there is a price."
The 'new, well-established community' spoken about in the second episode's description is likely that of The Kingdom, ran by a man named King Ezekiel and his tamed pet tiger Shiva. Not somebody Carol and Morgan will be wanting to get on the wrong side of, as it's looks to be that pair that happen upon his community first…
One thing we know for sure is that this season won't be leaving us with a terribly frustrating cliffhanger as the last one did, with creator Robert Kirkman promising Entertainment Weekly in August things were going to change.
He said at the time: "I definitely have to take note that there's a seemingly significant portion of the audience that wasn't happy with that direction. So in that respect I think everyone on The Walking Dead creative team has taken notice of that, and I don't know that I would expect a similar cliffhanger at the end of season 7."
The Walking Dead season 7 starts TONIGHT (October 23) on AMC, whilst it returns to the UK tomorrow (October 24) on FOX.
Tagged in The Walking Dead