Diane Parish as Denise Fox

Diane Parish as Denise Fox

Diane Parish feels "revived" by the storyline she's currently going through on EastEnders.

The actress, who plays Denise Fox in the BBC One soap, admits she wasn't happy with the lack of storylines for the Minute Mart shopkeeper, but is now relishing in her expanded role due to the Lucy Beale murder mystery.

She said: "I don't feel exhausted by all of this Lucy Beale murder drama - I feel revived! It's no secret that I had been quite quiet in the show for a while, so when I heard about this storyline and what our new boss Dominic [Treadwell-Collins] had planned for Denise, I was dead excited."

Denise was set to walk out on fiancé Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) - who recently cheated on her with ex-wife Jane - last month, but ultimately decided to stay with him after news broke of his daughter Lucy's grisly death.

Diane doesn't agree with Denise's decision as the character has been "humiliated" by her cheating partner.

She told Inside Soap magazine: "I don't think Denise has done the right thing in staying with Ian at all, but that's just me. I'm nothing like Denise, I hope!

"She's been totally humiliated by Ian because she has literally become 'the help' - and that's not what she wanted from the relationship at all. But she can't leave him because she couldn't bear to be seen as a bad person for abandoning Ian at his time of need."

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