When Janae checks how Boyd is going, he inadvertently gives her hope. But Steph finds him and Glenn in a clinch and amps up his guilt. Seeing Janae’s optimism, Steph suggests caution, but Janae clings to hope, forcing Steph to ask Toadie’s advice. Acting on this, she tells Boyd to be honest with himself and the two women he’s stringing along. Glenn’s need for reassurance sees Boyd unable to hurt her as well, and his comfort only allows her to feel he’s committing to her. Trapped, Boyd tells Janae the marriage is over. She nobly wishes him happiness, but it’s clear both she and Boyd are completely devastated.Carmella meets Ray to try to end the violence. When Ray denies guilt over the bomb, Carmella verbally attacks him, causing him to have a heart attack. Facing death, Ray reiterates his innocence. Carmella realises he’s sincere, but Oliver assumes it’s another lie. As Carmella angsts about who really wants them dead, Oliver only sees this as paranoia. Elle exploits the growing rift, and with Paul’s guidance, offers Oliver sanctuary at the Robinson country cabin. She then ensures Oliver invites her along by appearing upset about a family fight. Carmella’s too late to stop them leaving, and feels she may have lost Oliver forever. Making the bar more lo-fi and comfortable, Steph decorates on the cheap. Toadie’s assistance shows he still cares, and allows her to ask for his advice on Boyd. Later, the thaw continues as she invites him for a beer like old times.

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