Everything looks set to crumble before Toadie steps in with one final witness – Robert Robinson. Rosie doubts Toadie’s legal strategy when Robert Robinson appears to be unflappable. But Toadie’s clever plan draws out the monster within and Robert’s violent outburst wins Max’s freedom. Rosie eats humble pie when Toadie triumphs and he advises her to be less righteous in future. The Hoylands celebrate but Toadie excuses himself, still cut up by the sight of Max and Steph together. When Steph visits Toadie to thank him for clearing Max he pretends he’s not home and is left to celebrate - alone. Katya busts Ned about to smash Charlie’s piggy bank to feed his gambling habit and begs him to leave Erinsborough with her to make a fresh start. Ned agrees and even ignores Paul’s taunts about a poker game he’s hosting tonight. But Ned’s addiction proves too strong and he abandons Katya in order to return unknowingly to Paul’s irresistible trap.Rosie’s upset about her father issues and opens up to Paul who cheers her up with a strong pep talk. Rosie’s grateful but can’t help wondering if Paul still holds a candle for her.Following Max’s legal victory, Janae looks forward to resuming normal, uneventful suburban life. Boyd’s guilt is stirred and he confesses that the girl he kissed in Tasmania turns out to be Elle’s childhood friend Glenn who’s about to pay a visit. Janae’s outraged and warns Elle not to mess with the Timmins code of family loyalty. Susan attempts to get rid of Karl’s wretched rooster but when the blasted bird squawks from the boot of Katya’s departing car, she’s sprung big time.

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