Having been told that the next twenty-four hours are critical to Pippa’s recovery, Sally prepares herself for an agonising wait – one made increasingly difficult by Ric and Leah’s attempts at talking to her about Alf, who’s decided to exile himself to his boat. ‘If Pippa doesn’t pull through, there’s nothing Mr Stewart can say or do that’s ever going to make up for it,’ Sally argues. And even when doctors eventually declare Pippa out of the woods, it’s clear that a speedy recovery is far from likely when it comes to the rift between her mother and Alf; when Sally eventually pays Alf a visit down at the wharf, she willingly accepts his decision to spend some time away from the house and leaves him in no doubt that he’s a long way off from forgiveness.MisunderstoodMeanwhile, having been shunned by Geoff (who’s preoccupied with thoughts of becoming a minister), Tam decides to make trouble elsewhere, encouraging Rory to ditch his plans with a so-called friend in favour of spending the day hanging out with her instead.And while Jack may be less than impressed by Rory’s new companion, at least this time her heart’s in the right place when it comes to her choice of pastime; knowing that Brad’s under a lot of pressure, Tam ropes Rory into helping her clean up his motel room as a surprise.Unfortunately, she’s in for a shock of her own. Far from being touched by Tam’s attempt at building bridges, Brad decides to go with the odds and accuses her of stealing the valuables he discovers missing from his room, which include a pen and pair of cufflinks gifted to him by Emily. But, thanks to Jack being in the right place at the right time and catching the real culprits, he’ll soon be choking on a rather large slice of humble pie…

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