Having been woken in the night by a call from Tony breaking the news of the fire, Dan, Drew and Leah rush to the hospital to see Jazz; she’s miraculously managed to escape with only minor injuries, but it’s clear that the whole experience has been a real wake-up call. As Drew sits by her bedside wracked with guilt, Jazz can only apologise for her behaviour to date, taking the fire as a punishment for her failures as a mother. But while Drew is clearly moved by her pleas for forgiveness, her knight in shining armour, Tony, stands firm on his decision: despite Jazz hoping that his well-timed visit to her house was part of his plan to, err, rekindle their relationship, he reveals that he was only ever there to kiss goodbye to their relationship for good.The next morning only brings worse news for Drew: the fire inspector now having examined the damage at Jazz’s house, which is a complete write-off, the police suspect foul play. They know the fuse box has been tampered with and are determined to find out who’s behind it. Drew’s guilt having been compounded by his earlier heart to heart with Jazz, he finally cracks when the insurance company refuses to pay up, deciding to use a share of his inheritance money to compensate Amanda. As for the rest of his fortune, Drew, acutely aware of the toxic effect she has on his life, offers Jazz the remainder of the money if she agrees to leave him in peace; finally realising their rift is irreparable, and after emotional goodbyes to both her son and Tony, she takes the money and leaves the Bay for good. Teen behaving badly

Meanwhile, Sally has found out the hard way that caring for Tam is going to be more trouble than she ever thought possible – even harbourer of lost souls Irene would find herself faced with a challenge here. But rather than come clean to Brad about his step-sister’s general lack of respect for everyone around her, Sally finds herself putting on a brave face and, albeit through gritted teeth, explaining how well she seems to have settled in – prompting Brad, failing to see the looks of sheer horror etched on Ric and Alf’s faces, to shelve his plans to send her back to Rachel in favour of accepting Sally’s offer of an extended stay. Of course, you can always rely on Colleen to tell it as it is, and after later getting a little loose-lipped about Sally’s new houseguest, she’s said enough to send Brad straight round to Sally’s for a confrontation with Tam. Feeling hard done by, she instantly takes off on Mattie's motor scooter, a sea of worried faces in her wake.

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