After a sleepless night spent worrying about Martha, and with the police still pursuing other lines of inquiry, Alf decides to resume his search of Bruce’s land. She and Geoff having joined him, it’s Annie who first hears Jonah’s cries for help coming from the depths of the mine. The emergency services arrive on scene to begin the rescue mission; with the mine becoming increasingly unstable, it’s a race against time – made all the more complicated when Jonah, communicating with the rescuers via the air vent, reveals that he’s heard nothing from Martha since they became separated during an earlier cave-in. To the great relief of the rescuers Jonah is finally freed; his thoughts instantly turn to Martha. Against McGrath’s advice, he, Alf and Geoff proceed into the mine to continue with the mission themselves, but it soon becomes clear that finding Martha will be easier than getting everyone back to the surface in one piece. It’s only thanks to the steely determination of all involved, particularly a heroic Geoff, that they manage to free her from the rubble, making it out to safety just in time to feel the mine cave in behind them – and leaving Martha battling with conflicting feelings towards the man whom she once despised. Someone to lean onMeanwhile, her house emptied of Brad, Cassie and Ric, Sally is finding it difficult to cope with the demands of looking after a sickly Pippa while trying to juggle a heavy workload. To make matters worse, her colleagues are less than supportive of her struggles. Hodge, in particular, having been told that he’s not the strongest candidate for the role of Deputy, seems to derive great pleasure from pointing out to her that a combination of her string of missed meetings, late submission of reports and public arguments with Brad only add fuel to the fire when it comes to plans for calling a stop work meeting. The day’s events ultimately prove too much; that evening, feeling that she can’t cope any longer, Sally breaks down in tears – only to find some unexpected support from the perfectly timed arrival of Cassie. And it’s no coincidence; watching from the sidelines, having been pushed into action by Colleen, is Brad.

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