Belle soon finds out that Dom’s been keeping something back about Drew’s whereabouts when she gets a call from a concerned Mattie, who now knows that Ric’s gone along for the ride. Over at the racing site, things are already well underway – and with Drew’s car lined up as the prize for the winner, the stakes are high. Despite his inexperience, and his admittedly endearing disbelief at the fact of there being no rules when it comes to illegal racing, luck seems to be on Drew’s side; he and Ric manage to take the lead and win, saving the car from its grizzly fate in the process. Sadly, not everyone shares the victors’ enthusiasm. Aside from being greeted by Belle and Mattie’s very angry faces at the finish line, there’s also the matter of a sore loser to deal with. “The race doesn’t count,” Denni argues, before blaming a mechanical error for the outcome (well, a workman always blames his tools) and ordering a rematch. And if you, like Dom, think that Drew won’t be tempted, Denni’s concocting a sure-fire way to make sure it happens. “What does Drew care about even more than his car?” he schemes, as he and Dom talk about the next race. But is Drew the only one who’d do anything for Belle, or is Dom, too, ready to come to her rescue?Return to senderJust as Jazz is about to treated to a Tony Holden all-points massage (it’s probably best not to ask), she’s interrupted by a text message calling her to the Surf Club, where Dane’s waiting to deliver some particularly worrying news: due to a clerical error, a letter containing some of the particulars about Drew’s inheritance has been sent to him at Dan and Leah’s address. “This isn’t, and never was, about the money,” Jazz snaps in response to Dane’s suggestions to the contrary – although, judging by the extremes she’ll go to for the sake of getting it back, you’d be a fool to believe her. All promises made to Drew about her relationship with Tony fall straight to the back of her mind when she discovers that Dan’s passed on the letter to him as if they’re – gasp – a couple. “I’m not your wife, Tony, and I’m not Beth,” she spits, before storming home with the prized letter in hand. Still, it’s enough for Tony to realise that Jazz’s devilish side is far from myth: “Today I saw the real you, and that’s not somebody I want to be with at this point in my life.” At last, despite her pitiful attempts at an apology, Jazz finally gets her just desserts as Tony gives her the boot. We don’t think she’ll be in mourning for too long, though – and there’s always the ever hopeful Dane to fall back on.

Crazy in love

As we’ve already seen, Dom seems to be completely smitten with Belle – but, be warned, his obsession seems to be scaling new heights.

With Belle still reeling from both his and Drew’s deception, Dom is desperate for an opportunity to paint himself the hero; he waits until she’s walking home alone before making his move. “I was trying to protect you,” he claims, attempting to pass himself off as her elected bodyguard, all the while encouraging her to join him in the car. She soon loses her temper and manages to shake him off, but it does little to ease her suspicion – especially seeing as, having berated Drew for sending Dom as a guard dog to keep her out of harm’s way, she realises that her boyfriend is, for once, wholly innocent.

So, what exactly is Dom up to? All becomes clear when we see him return home to his mum (yes, we were surprised too), who seems to be particularly taken with the latest picture of her son’s new girlfriend. And yes, you’ve guessed it; it’s a photo of Belle.

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