The doctors manage to stabilise Bruce’s condition, but Rachel stresses that he desperately needs to rethink his lifestyle to lower the chances of a repeat attack. No, we don’t see him changing his ways anytime soon, either; if proof were needed, he’s still more interested in keeping the details of his condition secret from Geoff and Annie than he is about focusing on his recovery. But Geoff’s no fool – more than can be said for Rachel by booming out the word “arrhythmia” in earshot of, well, just about everyone – and knows that Bruce is in worse shape than anyone dare admit. Taking his chances to confront his Pop, Geoff proposes that they sell the farm; it’ll be a whole lot less stress than that they’ve managed to create through various failed ventures, and Annie will be closer to school. Unfortunately, Geoff’s pep talk has unforeseen circumstances; Bruce flies not only completely off the handle but also straight back home. That’s right, not even Rachel’s urging Bruce to think about his grandchildren keeps him from discharging himself from the hospital. “Well, that’s a gamble I’m gonna take,” he says dismissively. Quite a big gamble at that.Wedding committeePoor Sally is having trouble going anywhere without hearing the “W” word. Yes, that’s right, everyone’s suffering from a case of wedding fever. Narrowly evading a chat with Dan about the big day (although still finding herself walking away from their conversation with a bunch of menu ideas), Sally reluctantly agrees to sit down with Brad after work to discuss their plans. So, imagine her reaction when Rachel drops into the school and just happens to mention her own invitation to said discussion. “Oh, Brad said we’re having some sort of casual meeting about the wedding plans. That’s why you’re hurrying, right?” she asks a panicked Sal, who encourages her future sister-in-law to go on ahead.

Of course, one need only look to Brad’s uncontrollable enthusiasm for his self-adopted role as a wedding planner to see that he’s clearly missed his vocation, so it should really come as little surprise that, when it comes to making all the arrangements, there’s no such thing as a quiet little meeting. In fact, it’d probably be more accurate to describe it as a committee, seeing as everyone from the overly opinionated Colleen to enemy-of-the-student Flathead is ready to have their say about the big day.

By the time Sal’s turned up for what was originally billed as a one-to-one, the decisions have already been made. Leah’s found the perfect venue and, as luck would have it, there’s been a cancellation; in six weeks’ time, Sally’s going to become Mrs Brad Armstrong – or so the plans say, anyway. Is the blushing bride having second thoughts?

Wheeling and dealing

Splitting his time between the two loves of his life is proving somewhat problematic for Drew; Belle’s still feeling sidelined by his obsession with the dreaded car.

It’s only the promise of there being just one more replacement part needed for “The Beast” – yes, he’s even named the mechanical monstrosity – that convinces Belle to turn her attentions to the fact that she and Drew will soon be on the way to road-trip heaven.

It just so happens, however, that the part in question is something that only Dom can get his sticky little mitts on, and given that Drew’s not going to be available to pick it up from him, it falls to Belle to do the dirty work.

Well, needs must, we suppose. Having made her way to see the dastardly Dom, Belle soon realises that she’s the object of his affections – she’s barely been with him a minute before he asks her out – and promptly makes her getaway with the part for Drew’s car, as well as a story for Ric to laugh about.

“You’re kidding, so was he hitting on you, or what?” he later asks Belle, as they watch over Drew trying to put the finishing touches to his masterpiece; a task which is no mean feat when the part you’re using is completely shot. But then, whether or not the parts are any good is probably the last thing on your mind if, like Dom, you’re just visiting car parks, opening up car bonnets and helping yourself to anything you need. And that’s exactly where he’s headed for a replacement, leaving Drew blissfully ignorant to the fact that his car is just one giant accident waiting to happen – in more ways than one.

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