Having been found by Alf, Tony winds up in hospital, where he's treated for concussion and a fractured cheekbone. Bruce Campbell's name is first on his lips when Jack comes looking for answers; but have they got their man? It certainly seems that way: he had the means (no surprises there), the motive (or there either), and his alibi doesn't hold water – as a concerned Geoff hasn't failed to notice. And when the police finish their line of questioning, Bruce's concluding remark does little to ease their suspicion. "Well, that's what happens when you go sticking your nose in other people's affairs," he says matter-of-factly. But what's he hiding? It's not long before Geoff is forced to confess his fears to an understanding Tony. "Pop told the police that he went to the sale yards yesterday to get rid of some stock, but we didn't have any to sell, and I can't figure out for the life of me why he'd say something like that unless… unless he had something to hide." He's not far wrong – but, surprisingly, Bruce's secret doesn't involve him having acted out any kind of personal vendetta. You see, Rachel's noticed that Bruce isn't quite what you’d call the picture of health and, when he declines a check-up, decides it's time to do a little digging. It turns out that Bruce spent the night at the hospital; he has a heart condition, and he doesn't want Geoff and Annie to know about it (hence, apparently, the frequent shootings down on the farm, which he wants them to think of as someplace safe to be). Finally cleared as a suspect, old Bruce even has an idea of the suspect’s profile.

"Maybe it's someone just breaking in, and they ran into your dad?" he offers.

It immediately strikes a chord with Jack, who realises that Sam's fears about Shane's return may not be so far-fetched after all.

Little boy lost

Between checking on Tony and investigating the attack, Jack's trying to keep a watchful eye on Rory while Sam's out at an appointment.

But when he's called back to work, Jack has to find another babysitter – admittedly, something he hasn't thought of until being told by his young charge that he shouldn't really be left alone in the Surf Club unsupervised.

Unwitting candidate Martha is far from enthralled by the idea of being stranded with Sam's son, and even less so that the love of her life calls her "mate" when she’s clearly after so much more, but reluctantly agrees on the proviso that it won’t be for long.

Of course, the fact she'll soon be rid of him does nothing to ease Martha's wafer-thin patience when, Jack having left, she can't put an end to Rory’s incessant talking about him.

Having found himself relegated to helping Alf outside, Rory soon finds himself separated from the group and being bundled into the back of a van by a stranger.

Meanwhile, Sam's just discovered that Shane's absconded from day release. Will she and Jack be able to find Rory before it's too late?

Hey, roomie!

"It's the perfect example of why I don't want to be in a family situation anymore," Matilda whines, still reeling from Brad and Sally's decision.

All the while, you can practically see the cogs turning in Ric's mind as he tries to detract from the fact that he'd really not rather move in with Mattie just yet – he wants to finish his apprenticeship at the garage first – and come up with an alternative.

And it just so happens that Alf may hold the key; he may not be prepared to kick Martha out of the diner apartment, but wouldn't Matilda having a roommate be the perfect compromise when it comes to her taking her first step into the big wide world?

"Don't get me wrong, I adore Matilda, but I just don't want to live with a 17-year-old, especially one that has issues. I have my own," Martha argues, clearly not impressed by her envisioned role as a full-time babysitter for someone with whom she has nothing in common.

But, clearly knocked by Alf pointing out that Matilda might not last more than a couple of weeks ("What? Are you saying I’m hard to live with?"), and tired of Ric's constant nagging, she relents and agrees to give it a go. Warning: fur will fly!

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