The day gets off to a bad start for Martha. The divorce papers have arrived from her solicitor and she's unsure whether or not she even wants to go through with it anymore. She calls Jack to see how he feels but, when he arrives at the Surf Club, ends up joining him on a boat trip instead. And when they find themselves at a secluded cove, she decides to add a bit of spice to the menu with some skinny-dipping – much to the disgust of the local bowls group, who report them to the police! Still, all embarrassment aside, it's enough for Jack to realise that he and Martha should give things a second go, prompting him to ask her out for another picnic (because the last one turned out so well, after all). But she's not so sure; nothing between them ever seems to go right when it's planned. Is their marriage in with a chance, or will neither be able to confess their feelings?Beg, borrow or steal"If you use that cheque, it's stealing," Belle warns Drew, who's so taken with the rust-bucket of a car he's seen that he can't seem to think about anything else. Moved into action by the threat of Belle walking out on him, Drew follows her advice and asks Ric to help find him a job at the garage – only, as he's still an apprentice, Ric doesn’t feel that he's in a position to be pulling in favours for his friends.Meanwhile, Dan and Leah have called an emergency meeting with Jazz in a bid to come up with a "plan of attack" for handling Drew. Jazz argues that Drew would be easier to get onside if he had an incentive, and proposes that they meet him halfway – although, after she overhears Drew turning down Dan's offer of him getting a car if he finishes school first, she chooses to up the stakes. With Drew not willing to settle for any other car at any other time, Jazz makes her move. "The difference is, with my deal, you get the car you want – now." The catch? She wants Drew to move in with her. Not getting anywhere by honest means, Drew uses the cheque to buy himself the car he wants – and when Jazz realises what he's done, she backs him into a corner. If her money has been used to pay for the car, then he needs to keep to his side of the bargain. Faced with Jazz telling the owner of the car that he's been defrauded, and Dan and Leah finding out about everything, Drew reluctantly packs his bags and heads over to his new home.

It's her party...

...and she'll cry if she wants to. Despite her claims that the party she's planned at Sally's house will be like a replacement eighteenth celebration for Cassie, it's clear that Matilda is going to be centre of attention – because new friend Reuben is among the guests. Although Matilda claims that her friendship with the newcomer is rooted in the fact that, having both lost a parent, they can relate to one another, Ric can't help but feel suspicious. And it turns out he has good reason to be; the party's barely started before Reuben has made his move on Matilda.

Ric gets there just in time to chuck him out – but doesn't seem to notice that Mattie seems more bothered by his reaction to the whole affair than she was by Reuben kissing her in the first place. Is all as it seems?

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