It’s finally dawned on Jules that he’s not exactly taking Summer Bay’s female contingent by storm, and he wants to make amends. Drew points out that’s going to take more than a milkshake and a cheesy grin, so he heads to Lily’s place with a bunch of Lilies. “Lilies for Lily. Lame,” Cassie scoffs when she spots ratboy on her doorstep. She warns Jules to stay away from her pet pipe-cleaner. She’s appointed herself Lily’s personal bodyguard – if ice queens could wear fake tan, Cass would be the iciest of them all – and informs Jules on no uncertain terms that Lily will not be interested in his offer of a jolly beach party. She’s wrong, though. Lily thinks the flowers are sweet, and doesn’t want Cassie answering for her. Cassie is alarmed to hear Lils defending Jules. “Why can’t you just give him a break?” Later in the Surf Club, Lily slopes away from Nurse Cassie for a cheeky word with Jules. She’s well up for the beach party. Jules eyeballs some discarded whisky bottles in the Surf Club, stoking his nonexistent ‘tache.Friends with breasts and all the restHugh’s buried in newspapers, desperately trying to find a place to live, to no avail. Rachel swoops by and is quick to offer him a bed at her place while Kim is away at the funeral.

Hugh shrinks in horror, looking like he’d rather bunk down in a wormery. He hasn’t exactly got options though, so he accepts the offer grimly. Overhearing the conversation, Julie chuckles at idea of Rachel and Hugh sleeping top-to-toe.

Rachel wants to know what’s so funny. When Julie suggests Hugh might see her as more than a friend, Rachel, for once, is silent. Suddenly a quick drink with Hugh after work seems like a date, and Rach is tongue-tied.

She takes a deep breath and confronts him. Hugh freezes for a second, then laughs way too loudly. “That’s pretty ridiculous don’t you think? That would be like hooking up with my sister!” he yells. Rachel guffaws in relief, casting such silly thoughts from her mind. But Hugh’s crying inside.

Sticky whisky

Drew gets a surprise phone call from Jules’ dad. “He says that you ran away from boarding school and nobody knows where you are,” he says with a pointed look at his wayward pal.

Jules brushes him off and focuses on gassing about his beach party. He thinks Drew and Belle should definitely come. “You’re obviously still hot for each other,” he says with a sly wink.

Drew lures Belle away from the washing up, and the party’s on. Cassie’s even apologised to Lily and lightened up, so all the cool kids are ready to rock. While Jules and Lily make eyes at each other, Drew and Belle get busy collecting firewood.

This, of course, ends in the horny pair collapsing on top of each other in a lusty clinch. But this is no time for rutting; Peter and Dan have made a surprise appearance.

Two bottles of scotch are missing from the Surf Club. We’re pretty sure we know where they are and, lo and behold, the bottles are stashed in Jules’ rucksack. Cassie is outraged, but she’s in for a surprise. Drew’s got an announcement. It was he who nicked the whisky. No!

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