Ooh, Sally. What's different about you? Well, she's had something of an epiphany and has decided to take off her wedding ring permanently. She explains to Alf that it finally feels like the right time to move on, but as she does so, Brad overhears their conversation and pulls a worried face. That afternoon, Rachel catches up with him on the beach and they discuss Sally's decision. Brad is beating himself up for moving too slowly, but we're not sure that's entirely fair. After all, his wife Emily isn't even cold - and Rachel gently reminds him of this. She also assures him that Sally will be fine with him holding onto his past for a while longer, but he insists on removing his wedding ring too. One bout of interfering from Rachel later, Sally sits Brad down for a talk. She reminds him that Flynn is still in her heart, as Emily must be in his, and therefore she doesn't want to rush things. Brad apologises and puts his ring back on before leaning in for a kiss. So that's that sorted then. Good. Speaking of Sally, Morag has something she'd like to say. "She's shown very good taste in Brad", she nods, while stashing a bottle of scotch in the teapot. "It's more than I can say for other members of this household", she continues, as Martha enters and pulls a face. An argument ensues in which Morag discovers that although Martha knows about Ash's wife, she certainly doesn't know about her husband's bit on the side. However, if Morag was trying to keep Martha away from her boyfriend, then she does an appalling job as her words drive her straight into his arms. Later, Morag tries another tactic. After telling the whole story to Tony, she asks him to have a word with Ash on her behalf. Unfortunately, though, this backfires too - and Martha is livid that the woman won't keep her beak out. "The only reason you make people's lives so miserable is that nobody gives a stuff about yours", Martha spits, when she next spots her auntie. "You're just a bitter, old, lonely pathetic woman and you always will be. Keep your sad and sorry little life away from mine." It's a fair description of Morag alright - but that's why we love her, isn't it?

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