Continuing on his quest to rival Jack’s knack for flouting the rules, George finds a new target for extortion when he discovers that Jonah’s moved away from the farm without informing the police. The fact that Jonah’s on his way to do just that makes no difference to the crooked cop, who instantly demands $300 in return for hushing up the violation of parole. With a deadline to meet, Jonah’s hunt for the money leads him to Martha, who is before long faced with the shocking truth: Jack knows about the whole thing. Will the resulting confrontation be enough to force him into action?Internal affairsWhile Sam is less than impressed with Lewis for his aggressive attitude towards her at work, Jack finds himself suspicious about Rachel’s new boyfriend for very different reasons. After witnessing a hushed-up meeting between him and George, he can’t help but wonder: is Lewis involved in illegally selling prescription meds? Hoping to back up his conviction, Jack later follows George to a house in town; minutes later, Lewis joins him. When Jack bursts in on the scene, it’s far from expected: he’s actually in George’s home, and Lewis is there to check on his disabled daughter.Mixed feelingsBack at the station, Jack learns about the struggle George has had as a single parent and, while he reluctantly agrees to keep quiet about his colleague’s recent behaviour if he agrees to continue on the straight and narrow, warns him that he won’t be in a hurry to stop Martha making a report about the incident with Jonah.

We doubt that it’ll be first on her list of priorities, though; she’s far too busy with the man himself, trying to decide whether to act on her feelings for him.

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