Ste (Kieron Richardson) is desperate to stop his lie from spreading round the village, but Kris (Gerard McCarthy) broadcasts his thoughts about leukaemia, and his support for the Barnes family, on the radio.John Paul (James Sutton) worries that he is being stalked by Toby (Craig Daniel Adams). Following their close shave with Mercedes (Jennifer Metcalfe), Rhys (Andrew Moss) and Beth (Sinead Moynihan) worry about the implications of being caught: losing Rhys's best friend and family and possibly ending up in prison. Frankie (Helen Pearson) worries about Newt's (Nico Mirallegro) developing relationship with Lauren (Dominique Jackson) and encourages Jack (James McKenna) to have a man-to-man chat about sex.Dir: Nicholas Ferguson; Writers: Johanne McAndrew, Elliot Hope; Prod Co: Lime

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