Happy and glowing, Craig (Guy Burnet) and Sarah (Loui Batley) return from their holiday and are instantly filled in on the gossip about Jake's (Kevin Sacre) new girlfriend. Craig's agog when John Paul (James Sutton) reveals how close he came to outing their affair. A hurt John Paul's had enough, but doesn't know if he's strong enough to end it with Craig. A savvy Amy (Ashley Slanina-Davies) is coping just fine looking after baby Leah, much to Kathy's (Sarah Jane Buckley) annoyance. Steph (Carley Stenson) is looking worse for wear the morning after her graduation and is miffed when she bears the brunt of her mum's bad mood. A panicked Elliot (Garnon Davies) arrives with news of his mother's imminent arrival: he needs a Welsh girlfriend and quick! Dir: Alex Kalymnios; Writer: Jessica Lea; Prod Co: Lime

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