Jake (Kevin Sacre) is taken aback when a birthday card arrives for Becca and is annoyed that Nancy (Jessica Fox) has forgotten. Jacqui (Claire Cooper) can't wait to get away to see Tony (Nick Pickard), as Myra (Nicole Barber-Lane) tries to persuade her to have a nose through the wedding gifts. Jacqui's at a loss looking for Tony and ends up on Max's (Matt Littler) doorstep. Elliot (Garnon Davies) turns to Zak (Kent Riley) for advice on a present for a respectable woman. Zak is stunned and Steph (Carley Stenson) is scared as Elliot reveals a stuffed falcon as his gift for Rhiannon. Sarah (Loui Batley) and Melissa (Carla Chases) check out their new purchases, but Hannah (Emma Rigby) is a bit put out when she realises she's missed out on a shopping trip.

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