Clare (Gemma Bissix) and Warren (Jamie Lomas) clash at The Loft. When she finds out that Calvin (Ricky Whittle) has learnt all about their little sideline in cocaine, she orders Warren to do a stock take, determined to take back control. Warren is amused by Justin's (Chris Fountain) pathetic attempts to impress him, but even he's shocked when a drunken Justin tells him a very dark secret. The students are all at the campus surgery to take part in a drug trial. As they wait for any side effects from the trial, Will (Oliver Farnworth) manages to win Zoe (Zoë Lister) back, but is he just using her as a guinea pig in his own game? Craig (Guy Burnet) is feeling guilty after his fight with John Paul (James Sutton). Craig drops Sonny (Devon Anderson) from his life and tries to make amends with John Paul, but will he listen? Dir: Jeff Naylor; Writer: Nick Saltrese; Prod Co: Mersey

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