Dominic (John Pickard) puts Russ (Stuart Manning) straight on the origins of his STD, which sends him running back to Mercedes (Jennifer Metcalfe) with a bit of explaining to do. Things only get more complicated when Russ shows up to reassure Mercedes that his recent close encounter with an STD wasn't her fault; he thinks it came from Tina (Leah Hackett). Mercedes is relieved - for a millisecond - until she finds out where the STD did come from. In Halls, Zoe (Zoë Lister) wakes up, sad to find herself alone, but she might not be as alone as she thinks. Kris (Gerard McCarthy) and Jessica (Jennifer Biddall) find themselves in their worst nightmare: trapped together in a locked bathroom. Dir: David Richardson; Writer: Nick Saltrese; Prod Co: Mersey
Tagged in Hollyoaks