Nancy (Jessica Fox) is upset at having lost Ravi (Stephen Uppal) but is too stubborn to admit that she might have been a little quick in accusing him of being a pawn in a drug deal for Warren (Jamie Lomas).
Frankie (Helen Pearson) organises a surprise birthday party for Newt (Nico Mirallegro), but when she and Lauren (Dominique Jackson) try to apologise to him, both are harshly rebuffed.
Mandy (Sarah Jayne Dunn) is convinced that Ravi will shoot his mouth off about her and Warren to anyone who'll listen and calls off their affair once and for all.
Justin (Chris Fountain) is gobsmacked when his boss sacks him for unprofessional conduct after his affair with a client.
Dir: Tris Burns; Writer: Matthew Westwood; Prod Co: Lime