It's Max (Matt Littler) and Steph's (Carley Stenson) wedding day.
Myra (Nicole Barber-Lane) discovers that John Paul (James Sutton) has been sleeping with Kieron (Jake Hendricks).
Max and O.B. (Darren Jon-Jeffries) wake up in a hung-over heap and it slowly dawns on them that it's Max's wedding day.
Max rushes to hospital with chest pains. Will he make it to the church? At the church, Myra seethes at Kieron's hypocrisy: how can he stand before God when he has been sleeping with John Paul?
Will she keep Kieron's secret or vilify him in front of the entire congregation? Jacqui (Claire Cooper) is enraged when Mandy (Sarah Jayne Dunn) returns to Il Gnosh.
And Tina (Leah Hackett) gets the wrong end of the stick when Mandy gives Dom (John Pickard) a friendly hug.
Dir: Steve Brett; Writer: Jessica Lea; Prod Co: Lime