Hannah (Emma Rigby) is stressed by her shredded dress and power cut at the SU bar ahead of the Halloween ball and takes her frustrations out on Elliot (Garnon Davies), but after much effort from Leila (Lena Kaur) to get the pair together, they finally dance and Elliot declares his love.

As they are announced as the costume competition winners, the couple share their first kiss.

Frankie (Helen Pearson) is reeling from the news that Newt (Nico Mirallegro) is moving back in with Shelley (Beverly Denim) and tries to convince him to stay, but Cindy (Stephanie Waring) is outraged at his decision.

Carmel (Gemma Merna) is afraid to go out in the village, having lost all self-confidence. She soon has to confront a gang of youths at the skate park but, sensing her fear, they taunt her.

Dir: Tris Burns; Writer: Angela Corner; Prod Co: Lime