Things come to a head between Kris (Gerard McCarthy) and Jack (James McKenna) - with a little help from Will (Oliver Farnworth) - and Kris is forced to make a painful admission. Jacqui (Claire Cooper) isn't having much luck finding a job. Tony (Nick Pickard) tries to console her, but she's insulted when he offers her a job as a pot washer. Sonny (Devon Anderson) seems scared of being seen with Michaela (Hollie Jay-Bowes), especially when his mates make fun of her behind her back. But does he have hidden feelings for her after all? Nancy (Jessica Fox) is still struggling to deal with Becca's attack in prison. Jack tells Justin (Chris Fountain) to stay out of everyone's way today, even offering him the day's takings as a pay-off. But Justin does something unexpected with the money.

Dir: Adrian Vitoria; Writer: Tara Byrne; Prod Co: Mersey

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