Tracking down Belle at the cafe, Cain gives her an ultimatum after revealing just how bad of a state Zak is in because of her actions - she can go to court and play the martyr or get in the car.

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Arriving too late, Lisa and Zak discover the pair have gone and the alarm bells start to go off, as they have no idea just where the two have got to.

After his scare tactics, Belle later arrives at court with just seconds to spare and a plea to enter - has Cain's plan worked?

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Elsewhere, James is invited by Chas to stay at the pub for the time being following the £10,000 incident, and Moira is asked to talk Finn's dad around whilst he remains completely unaware of the full story, prompting her to attempt to make amends.

Debbie's attitude remains frosty when she returns home and finds Pete looking after the kids, but she could be proved wrong when she asks Pete to take Sarah out on her bike.

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She then snaps at him however when he removes her daughters stabilisers, saying he's putting Sarah in danger.

Overhearing a conversation later on between Harriet and Vanessa over having people police-checked, she decides to do some digging in the hopes her mind can be put at rest for good.

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Bernice measures up Pear Tree for the forthcoming spa and Kerry looks forward to taking on her new job, but will Jimmy prove to be too much of a problem to get the spa off the ground?

Rhona remains suspicious of Donna, and warns Laurel not to let her take advantage.

Credit: ITV

Tonight's Emmerdale is a double, broadcasting at both 7pm and 8pm on ITV.

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