David (Matthew Wolfenden) is incredulous to see Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) mid action with her latest murderous attempt by tinkering with Donald's control console on his model railway. He pleads with her to have a rethink but Nicola shouts at him to stay away and David realises he’s beaten. Later, Donald (Michael Jayson) is putting the finishing touches to the track as David and Nicola look on. Nicola switches the set on at the mains, and eyes the metal switch on the control unit – now live. Louise arrives and Donald prepares to launch the train. Nicola crosses her fingers and shuts her eyes expectantly. Will Nicola's evil plan come to fruition?Meanwhile, an increasingly worried Viv (Deena Payne) tries desperately to contact Freddie (Keith Woodason) but keeps getting his voicemail. Mel (Caroline Strong) interrupts her leaving a message and Viv divulges that she’d taken some money from the Happy Smile fund and put it into the cashometer – but has now taken some money back out and put it into Happy Smile. She further admits that Bob (Tony Audenshaw) doesn’t know anything and she’d rather keep it that way. Will Mel keep Viv's confidence?When Rodney (Patrick Mower) admits to Matthew (Matt Healy) that Donald has offered him a job, Matthew suggests he take it. Jimmy (Nick Miles) however, is less cavalier and insists that Matthew apologise, spelling out that they can’t afford to lose Rodney as well. Will Matthew see his brother's point of view and apologise to Rodney?

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