Eli (Joseph Gillgun) offers to give Sam (James Hooton) more work. After dropping off Eli’s latest client, Sam is stunned when the passenger demands his package. Taking Sam’s silence as a sign he’s a cop, the passenger bolts. Searching the back seat Sam is appalled to find a cannabis package. Will Sam shop his cousin to the police?Elsewhere, Carl (Tom Lister) is put out when Matthew (Matt Healy) lectures him on the refuse contract renewal and then Jimmy (Nick Miles) joins in to argue over him loaning Debbie (Charley Webb) her money. Carl is sick of being treated like a kid and when Matthew disagrees with his proposal to buy new waste trucks, Carl despairs that his brothers will take no risks. Will he ignore their advice and go ahead with the deal anyway?Meanwhile, Zak (Steve Halliwell) and Lisa (Jane Cox) delicately bring up the subject of Belle’s (Eden Taylor-Draper) school fees with Debbie (Charley Webb). She promises to see what she can do. Meeting with Carl (Tom Lister), Debbie balks slightly when he shows her the repayment figures for the loan. Will this put Debbie off asking Carl for more money for Belle's fees?

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