Jimmy (Nick Miles) is shocked when a business associate reveals that he bumped into Kelly working at a restaurant in Liverpool last week. Later that day, masking his feelings for Kelly, Jimmy tells Carrie (Linda Lusadi) he feels very lucky with his lot and that she and Scarlett (Kelsey-Beth Crossley) mean a lot to him. As they kiss, Carrie tells him that she loves him but there’s an awkward moment and then Carrie’s horrified when he replies ‘cheers'. Is their relationship doomed before it has properly begun?Explaining that their behaviour was over the top, Lexi (Sally Oliver) and Chas (Lucy Pargeter) suggest to a stunned Ross (Samuel Anderson) that they put it behind them and all be friends. After the two girls have sat drinking wine for a while, both flirting outrageously with Ross, they head upstairs, inviting him to follow. Ross can't believe his luck but are the girls genuine or do they have a revengeful plan for the cheating cop? Over at Wishing Well cottage the police arrive to search the premises. The police are frustrated when all of the Dingles insist they have an alibi for their whereabouts the day before. The police leave but not before promising that they are onto them and it won’t be long before they pounce.

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