Carrie (Linda Lusardi) meets an impatient Lexi (Sally Oliver) who demands the money. Meanwhile, Lee (Drew Carter-Cain) flirts with a blushing Scarlett (Kelsey-Beth Crossley). Back at the pub, Carrie’s attempts to talk Lexi round fail, and when she refuses to give her the money to walk out of her life, Lexi leaves. Back outside she’s annoyed to see Lee with Scarlett. However when she tells Lee that she needs more time to get the money, he threatens to hurt Scarlett if she doesn’t have the money by 4pm. Later whilst the driver is in the office, Lexi espies one of the King's goods trucks engine running and standing empty on Main Street. Unaware that Carl’s (Tom Lister) inside checking the stock, Lexi jumps in the cab and drives off, the force knocking Carl out. Parked up, Lexi calls Lee and asks him to meet her in an hour. Having come round, Carl starts banging and alerts a shocked Lexi to his presence. He forces her to explain everything and begins to understand her situation. When Lee turns up, Carl defends Lexi but Lee turns nasty and produces a baseball bat.Elsewhere, Daz (Luke Tittensor) suggests that Penny (Amelia Sefton) say sorry to Sam (James Hooton) for all the trouble they casued with Samson (Ben Shooter), but she refuses, calling him a weirdo. The insult doesn’t go unheard by Sam. Later Duke (Dicken Ashworth) overhears Penny and Daz discussing the vodka incident and, assuming that Sam left the vodka lying around, heads over to Lisa (Jane Cox) to fill her in. Angry, Lisa confronts Sam and warns him that he must take better care of Samson.

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