Abi Branning

Claiming to be at home with her father Max at the time of the murder, both Abi and Max must have known what went on or something along the lines of what has transpired if either of them are lying. There is always the possibility that Max and Abi have a different secret entirely, but is that likely when Emma said to Max: "You know." just before slowly passing away under his gaze?

Credit: BBC
With a track record of attempting to drown her own sister after stalking her, Abi has also been noted as destroying evidence at the car lot and killing her own dog. With some erratic behaviour under her belt, it wouldn't be surprising to find out she snapped at Lucy and in a moment of rage, ended her life.
Ben Mitchell

With no known possible motive, his plans to rob an off license with Jay Brown on the night of the murder may have something to do with Lucy's death if Ben is revealed to be the killer for the second time in the show. He did of course kill Heather in a fit of rage, and now, having buried Lucy's belongings including her phone and purse in the allotment, just what are he and Jay hiding?
Cindy Williams

She's the one who proved that Ian was not at home with her on the night of Lucy's death, proving that he had a false alibi, and the uncovering of Lucy's musical jewellery box on Christmas Day left Cindy unnerved - the same musical jewellery box that was revealed to be a huge clue at the National Television Awards.
Jealous of 'favourite child' Lucy, she has made her feelings vocal in the past and went on to tell her father and the police that Lucy was addicted to cocaine. Could Cindy have snapped?
Denise Fox

Confiding in her daughter Libby that she had plans to leave Ian, it would have taken Lucy finding out about Denise's plans to make her flip and kill. Recently revealing her sinister side with her abuse of Patrick and alcohol abuse, could she be capable of murder as well?
Ian Beale

Constantly arguing with his daughter despite confessing in front of Peter but unknowing that his son was there that she was his favourite child, Ian's been hit hard with Lucy's death and struggled to come to terms with her passing.
Previously lying to his police about his whereabouts on the night Lucy was killed, it later turned out he was with prostitute Rainie Cross. Could this be another elaborate lie that he's paid for though, or is Ian telling the truth and as eager as all of us to find out who killed his daughter?
Jane Beale

Lucy's former step-mother Jane has no possible motive to kill the young girl, but actions surrounding the investigation into her murder have aroused some suspicion. Initially refusing an invite to Lucy's funeral as well as hiding her daughter-in-law's possessions from the police and giving Lauren an alibi in record time, her treatment of Emma had some pointing the finger. Could Jane really commit to a life with the man whose daughter she killed?
Jay Brown

Also with no motive, Jay was caught on CCTV on the same bus as Lucy on the night that she died, appearing to then follow her as they both got off at the same stop. Meddling with evidence and burning the hat which he wore on the night of the murder, Jay went on to bury the girl's possessions in the allotment - extremely guilty behaviour from someone who seems to have zero motive in killing Lucy Beale.
Lee Carter

Having a quick fling with Lucy before finding out that she was sleeping with Max Branning, Lee has shown himself to have a volatile temper in the past, beating Ben Mitchell to a pulp when he heard him using homophobic language against his brother Johnny Carter. Could his emotions have ran high in Lucy's final moments?
Les and Pam Coker

Could Les have bunked off Lucy to get some business for his funeral company and the florist business that his wife runs? We're not convinced, but his involvement in Nick Cotton's fake death and the mercy killing of his son alongside his wife Pam could prove the first theory to hit the internet correct, from all the way back in April.
Why exactly was Pam acting so nervous when she was around Emma, and has her husband and she been plotting something for quite some time? The two claimed to be at home with one another when Lucy was murdered.
Max Branning

Supposedly at home with his daughter when Lucy's life was taken, Max's secret affair with the Beale girl could have seen him flip his lid, especially since he has destroyed evidence including Lucy's blood in his office and a laptop with CCTV footage of him aggressively confronting Lucy.
Peter Beale

After overhearing his dad Ian tell Lucy she was his favourite child, Peter could have let jealousy get the better of him and brought Lucy's life to an end, pretending that he was in fact meeting her to give her the cocaine she so desired.
With a weak alibi and strong emotions on the night of the murder, the feeling of always being "the rubbish twin" may have consumed Peter and made him do something he'll live to regret for the rest of his life.
Whitney Dean

Being cyber-bullied with Lucy and finding out about her relationship with Lee left Whitney bitter and angry, and with her weak alibi of 'going out for a walk by herself', Whitney is looking more and more likely as Lucy's killer as each day slips by.
Deleting information from her social media pages as well as Lucy's, could Whitney have covered up the biggest mistake in her life?
EastEnders live week starts night week, celebrating the soap's 30-year run to-date.