A guilt ridden Heather is still blaming herself for her argument with Shirley. Minty does his best to cheer her up and gets out the board games.Jane turns angrily to Christian and tells him that he is trying to mess up her life to make himself feel better but Christian tells her that he wants her to see what an idiot Ian is. Jane fires a warning; if he tries to ruin her marriage he can leave Walford. An extremely drunk Garry talks to Jane but Jane realises that this is the work of Christian Garry nervously approaches Jane and Christian and offers them another drink but Jane's angry and throws hers all over him but he leans out of the way and it goes all over Stacey!Stacey spots Clare and Bradley. As Steven is still talking about their kiss, she snaps as she sees Clare whispering in Bradley's ear. This is the last thing Steven needs so he leaves. Clare is playing vulnerable to Bradley and asks him to put his arm around her and pretend to be her boyfriend to stop the other lads leering at her Clare spots Bradley alone at the bar and has an idea of how to get rid of Garry. She drags him to the dance floor in front of a speechless Mickey and Gus and then makes her excuse leaving Garry dancing aloneMickey, Gus and Garry are all ogling Clare in the club but they realise that Clare is out of their league. Garry however disagrees and goes to make his move.

Phil's patience is tested when he is trying to help Shirley as she is more interested in drinking. He goes to fix her door but when he returns he finds Shirley slumped in the chair. Thinking she has blacked out again he puts his hand on her shoulder but Shirley freaks out. Not knowing what to do he backs off but realising her pain he insists on calling an ambulance despite her protests.

Tanya and Sean are still in bed as Max arrives home early. He calls upstairs for Tanya who's panicked but Sean looks like he's enjoying the tension. Tanya makes Sean leave through the window as she heads downstairs but he realises that he has left his watch behind! As Max goes upstairs, Tanya panics and follows - phew, there is no sign of Sean. It doesn't take Max long to start hinting about sleeping back in their bedroom. Tanya tells him she'll think about it. However, she is unaware that Sean is under the bed.

Ronnie and Roxy arrive home from their holiday in Austria obviously having had a few on the plane.

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